After That flirts with indie rock on new single «Tik Tok»

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Continuing the original projects, Tik Tok enters as the second studio work released by the band After That, this time as a single. The track, which continues with strong indie/alternative rock influences as well as the City Lights EP, is a complement to the song Love is a Joke, released in 2021, where the central theme is based on a heartbreak, but this time from the point of view of the one who causes the disillusionment and not the one who suffers it, as observed in Love is a Joke. Listen Tik Tok:

Leer también: After That coquetea con el indie rock en nuevo sencillo “Tik Tok”

The Brazilian band that started in August 2015, has with its 4 members the intention of bringing the excitement and nostalgia in their repertoire to the shows, bringing rock from past decades to the most recent. The group is influenced by names like Red Hot Chili Peppers, Dire Straits and Arctic Monkeys.



Leer también: After That lanza el EP indie/alternativo “City Lights”

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